I'm writing to you now from my Dad's home in the outskirts of Hong Kong. I arrived 2 nights ago to spend 8 days vacation with half of my family since I won't be coming to HK for Christmas this year (I'll be in California!). Last night I went out with a few old friends to the center of HK's nightlife - Lan Kwai Fong. We had a blast and stayed out til 5am.
I love Hong Kong, and I just now realized how much I missed it. The international scene here is great and you can find anything. It's just a bit more expensive than most places in Asia. There are a lot of young people here that have had similar experiences to me; growing up in multiple countries, changing schools, not having one single definitive culture, many of them are mixed race, and all of them love this city. I wouldn't mind living here for a couple years to see how it is as an adult and also be there for my little brothers before they grow up and go off to college. It's probably a better place to live in one's late 20s than early 20s though. Makes more economic sense and most folks in LKF are older anyway.
Duncan, Rob, Kirsteen, Eugene, and I at the Bulldog in Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong
Rob and Eugene, wasted in LKF
Back to where I left off after the last post in September...
You can imagine I've still been partying my ass off when I find the time to, especially those few precious nights I actually stay in Bangkok and don't travel.
Here's one of Ally, me, Nat, and Tommy at Santika.
Chen Yu and his bro with some friends/business associates at the Londoner
Ginny making fun of a ridiculous Hello Kitty decked out car
It still isn't old yet! Despite all that fluff I said about Hong Kong, I still want to stay in Bangkok for the short-term! Loving the scene, my friends, the affordability, and my job.
Some of the places I've been frequenting: Slim and Route 66 in RCA, Narcissus (a trance joint owned by the Prince apparently), and Scratch Dog (open til 5am and not full of hookers - so you can imagine where I go after the other clubs close at 2 AM on Fridays/Saturdays).
Rafa on one of our Johnnie Walker accompanied nights - living up to his "Krating" nickname (bull).
I got a chance to make a week's work trip to Shenzhen in October. This city is absolutely crazy! No one speaks English, hardly any signs are in English, and the city has like 10 million people+ in it but I bet most of you reading this probably haven't even heard of the place. The golf club I was staying at for a work sponsorship, Mission Hills, is the biggest one of its kind in the world, boasting 216 bloody holes. It's a small town in itself. China is just insane...
My older brother Dar made a short hop across the border from Hong Kong to hit up some clubs and one of Shenzhen's famouse gigantic mega-spas. We had a massage for 4 hours, hung out in the bath houses, watched TV in lazyboys, drank beer, ate dinner, and passed out until early the next morning - all for less than $80 USD each. I think I'll pay another visit to Shenzhen this Tuesday JUST for this joint! And yes it is a place for all members of the family - no shadiness (except that no one speaks English).
Dar in front of a Shenzhen mall complex
I also met up with Fred, a great friend of Brigitte's in Bangkok. Fred is living in Shenzhen working in hotels, and was good enough to show us around the club scene one night with his buddy Boner Paul (don't ask how he got that nickname). We went to a place called In Club, and sure enough it was a massive Johnnie Walker contracted outlet. Good to know we are absolute everywhere Asia.
Fred driving a watchamacallit on the streets of Shenzhen really late at night
I went to HK for half a day while I was in Shenzhen just to have dinner with my Dad. The border isn't very tightly controlled - I pulled a Mr. Bean and walked across where only cars should be, and passed multiple gated checkpoints without anyone taking notice. Only after I got across the last one did a confused guy with a machine gun yell at me in Mandarin, then showed me the correct way to cross through an immigration building down the road.
So back in Bangkok one night, Chen Yu took to a "lounge" joint (full of girls that drink with you - but they aren't hookers) to see a concert by one of the big pop stars in Thailand, Lydia. Chen Yu's sis is one of her good friends, so we got front row seats. It was pretty damn fun, especially with the pre-concert fashion show...
One of the models
Alex loves it, don't listen to his facial expression
For those of you in California - yes, this is apparently normal in Bangkok...suckas!!!
The Rugby World Cup came and passed, with England surprisingly coming in 2nd. No one believed in them this year as the team had been pretty shit since they won the last world cup in 2003. I watched almost every game, and even threatened to slit a Frenchman's throat with a butter knife one late non-sober evening in the Londoner pub (not really serious...). Oh good times! So satisfying for England to beat the cocky Aussies again and then archnemisis France, but in the final South Africa was just too much. A semi-close game, but credit to SA, they were surely the better team throughout the whole tournament.
Andrew and I about to breakout with "Swing low, sweet chariot..."
My friend and colleague Peg finally came back to Bangkok from his short term assignment in Singapore - nicest guy in the Thai office, in my opinion anyway.
Ally, my best bud and lil sis in Bangkok, had her 24th birthday party at the Hard Rock Cafe and then at Escobar. Some pics as follows:
Hard Rock dinner
Ally fooling around, pulling off a Charlie Chaplin/Hitler

Emerald thinks I look like Johnny Bravo?
Me and Katie
So the F1 season finally came to a close, with Kimi Raikonnen of Ferrari winning the final race in an improbably comeback that left him with 110 pts and Hamilton and Alonso of Mclaren both at 109 pts. Bullshit! I hate Ferrari - they have F1 in their pocket. Did you see how harshly Mclaren was punished for that whole spy-up thing? Ridiculous. Anyway, Hamilton is awesome and I can't wait for him to kick everyone's ass next year. Only 22? and already came within 1 point of winning the whole thing. He will be the Tiger Woods of F1.
Pond and I doing some of our own driving...through a flood in the middle of a small Bangkok Soi. Yeah it can get this damn bad!
New work developments - I have been allocated to Key Accounts in a macro sales and marketing role similar to the Commercial (business development) role I am doing now. But I will now focus on one massive Diageo customer/distributor (the biggest in the world I think) and in many markets - I'll have to do most of my travelling to Kuala Lumpur and Manila starting in January though. I'm really excited to stay with Diageo for another year or two and with this new big role. Might have to move to KL or Singapore, it still hasn't been decided, but no matter what happens I am sure I'll have a blast. Can't wait to travel to the Philippines too...I haven't been back in 5 years!
This company has given me such great opportunities and I won't let them down. My new boss is really cool too and is very good at what he does - it'll be good to learn from him.
Haloween in Bangkok isn't as wild as in the US. People are more conservative on the surface or think they are too cool to dress up, haha. It just isn't as fun for them or a big deal I guess. I went to a large Sasin Haloween party and I was like, 1 of 30 people to dress up out of 500+. The party was awesome though because one of my favorite Thai bands, Big Ass, played live and I was super close to the front.
My demon/S+M outfit embarassing Plum with her modest reindeer "costume"
The fellas
Big Ass lead singer
My friend Reggie from the Philippines visited for a weekend so we took him out partying a couple nights. He is in the entertainment industry in Manila but is a really nice, down to earth dude. We had a blast and he will probably be coming back in the next few months. He commented once as I sang to a Thai live band at Song Salueng, "Dude, you are THAI now!" Okay I get that a lot...
Reggie, me, and Pond @ Song Salueng
I started driving a bit in Bangkok myself now - in Jane's Lexus SUV actually. Better than her driving it drunk! It was a bit scary at first considering the no rules attitude, the traffic, and driving a huge car when I am used to driving a Civic. Still, a lot of fun actually and it made me realize how much I miss driving.
Timo turned 25 and he had his birthday party at Slim a couple Sundays ago. Mr. Walker and Mr. Tanqueray showed us a great time...
Timo and his boys
I'm such a company man (with Emerald and Am)
Random girl at Slim that loved getting her picture taken?
It was Tommy's birthday at Nung Len last week as well. He moved to Vietnam a couple months ago but comes back about every other week. I'll forgive him for having a Ferrari since he is a really nice guy.
Did I mention I got my wisdom teeth out a week ago? I was awake the whole time and felt all the sawing/cracking/tugging, but without pain. I had an IV in my arm and after the op when I started to feel soreness, they injected some wonderful drug in my body that passed through my blood so quickly, within 30 seconds I was in euphoria! Wish I could have taken that stuff home, but instead I had to deal with tons of anti-biotics, ibuprofen, anti-inflamatory pills, and many many tubs of yoghurt and jello for the past 7 days. I had to work as well since I had this vacation to Hong Kong coming up. It was terrible - I had massive headaches, could barely speak without pain, and slowly bled in my mouth throughout the day. Charming, I know.
Two days post-surgery, going to work with fat swollen cheeks
They are almost better now, but he right side is still a bit sore and bruised.
Justin and Regina are moving to Chengdu anytime now. Justin is my big boss and a friend. It is too they are leaving Bangkok but I think they are really excited about the new opportunities in China and this city had probably run its course with them anyway. I should see them in Siem Reap at the end of the month for the Johnnie Walker Cambodia Open.
One final comment - working full time is HARD. The travelling can make it really interesting but also very demanding (had a few trips to Saigon and Singapore between September and now). I am lucky and thrilled to be able to have this kind of high energy job at such a young age, but man, it can be draining. The months fly by too. So stay in school kids while you can, and enjoy it as much as you can. Don't be an idiot - it WILL end so don't waste the tuition money by not preparing for the real world at all until you are done and late. But shit, make the most of it because there won't be anything like it later! During weekdays I hardly have any time to do anything after work but eat, go to the gym, and maybe have a few drinks. Oh college how I miss thee...sleeping in til 10AM+ every day and being able to go to the gym whenever I want. I will probably never be as physically strong as I was 2 and a half years ago before my deadlifting injury (when I was deading 415 pounds x 2...hey no wonder I got injured, haha). Okay I'm done bitching...
Until next time folks, take care!
1 comment:
which spa in shenzhen were you staying at? I was at the mayan themed one, and there's also this golden sunshine one across the street. i loooooove getting pampered back in china!
pattaya is infamous for the girly shows, and the beautiful "ladies" check out my insight on them on my last trip there:
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