I'll just go through what's been up from my last post in somewhat chronological order...
There was a really posh Smirnoff Party put on in Bangkok by my company in late May/early June. The Smirnoff Ice girls they hired were HOT. Channel V, the Thai version of MTV, was there and I saw quite a few celeb VJs. Their tv crew tried to interview me but to both our dissappointment, I can't speak Thai well enough to carry on a conversation, ugh!
I went to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia one week to start a new project. It was my first time to the city and I must say it's a really interesting place. Diverse like Singapore (Malays, Chinese, and Indians) but MUCH cheaper and a bit less developed.
Here's a picture from my hotel room window
My hotel was really badass by the way. The room was absolutely huge, with a walk-in closet, a private jacuzzi, and a king size bed plus 2 couches. At night I ended up going to a crazy hotspot called The Loft. I only found out about it because while doing some sales analysis during the day I came across this outlet that sold a ridiculous amount of Johnnie Walker a month. So I hit up the place, met some really cute girls (mostly Malay), and even ran into one of Malaysia's Sultan's daughters. She had 6 bodyguards positioned throughout the club so I decided not to talk to her too much.
Also in late May I went to Phuket for a weekend with my friends Brigitte and Ally. We stayed at Brigitte's house (those two actually went to HIGH SCHOOL IN PHUKET. WTF) and had a blast going to girly bars at night, getting massages, island hopping, and sleeping on the beach.
After late night clubbing, we got some chicken rice at a food stall on the street for like a dollar (35 baht). Ally and Brigitte obviously love it
Ally in front of the beach on Phi Phi Island, film site of the Leonardo Dicaprio movie, "The Beach"
My Mom visited me briefly in early June. It was nice to see her again, and she had missed me a lot. She also came with my good friend Chris' Mom too. She made me some Chicken Adobo one night, which I still remember now because there is nothing like good old home-cooking. I took them out to dinner a few times, and we got drinks at Sirocco, on the 64th floor (rooftop) of the State Tower building. The view is freakin' amazing. A crazy girl hit on me there and my Mom didn't like it much. She left a few days later and then my sister arrived...
My Mom and Nancy at an awesome Tex-Mex restaurant in Silom (Coyote)
The view from Sirocco (the big monstrosity with the green light lining is my office)
Sarah visited me next with her friend Ben from England. I showed them a few hotspots and took em around town. Did a bit of shopping, which no one can avoid when with my sister. We normally argue a lot but when I don't see her for so long, I'd rather not. All in all I was happy to see my lil' sis and hope she comes back again. Even if we do fight, we have a similar sense of humor and there are things I can joke about with her that no one else will understand but she will laugh about uncontrollably...
Sarah and I at Song Salueng in Thong Lor (another Thai live band/hip hop place)
Sarah on a motorbike taxi. You have to try these things!
About Thai live bands, I've been getting into a lot of Thai rock music in the past few months and I really think other people would enjoy it, even though they can't understand the lyrics. If you are a fan of alternative or punk rock at all, let me know and I'll send you a song or two.
Of course I go to these Thai live band places a lot since I miss concerts so much. Here are some pics:
Lea at Santika: "I love them!!!"
The Santika basist, who is probably a psycho
After I go clubbing at places like this on weekends, I'll go to the predominantly Arab Sukumvit Soi 3 and smoke shisha (hooka to you Americans) until 4 or 5 in the morning while scarfing down kebabs and hummus/pita.
Mark, the king of Soi 3/Shisha
Bonnie, incredibly enthusiastic. Notice Hitler in the top right corner...
I just want to comment briefly on Thai hiso's. A hiso is the Thai word for "high society" people. There are a lot of privileged people in Bangkok compared to the rest of Thailand. The ultra-rich are in general, a very different people from regular Thais. Their kids have a huge propensity to be spoiled, promiscuous, unscrupulous individuals that lie to their girlfriends/boyfriends, spend Daddy/Mommy's money like there is no tomorrow, and act as if they are god's gift to the world. It is really annoying. Some of them aren't bad at all, and most do get a foreign education. But in general, theres a lot of asses that need to be kicked in this town. The only thing is, if you do try they will just pull a gun on you or send their 10 friends after you, then pay off the cops and get away with it. Incredible what can be done in this country. Some rich kid got road rage the other day when a bus cut him off so he chased him for a few blocks, parked in front of the bus, hit the bus driver with a brick he had picked up on the floor, then got back in his car and mowed down a dozen people on the sidewalk in his frenzy. He is pleading temporary insanity or some bullshit due to his ADD and I bet he has a good chance of walking. Sunuva bitch.
My good friend Katie and I were at Bed Supperclub in July, one of the most upscale clubs in Bangkok. We saw the biggest Thai hip hop group, Thaitanium, there drinking some Grey Goose. I asked her why no one was coming up to them to say hey and she replied: "In this type of crowd, everybody in Bangkok is just as stuck up as everybody else." I thought that was an excellent quote about hiso's.
Did I mention that the average Thai girl is kind of crazy? I got an unsolicited bunch of text messages one day from a girl trying to aggressively puruse a date or something with me. I rejected her, then asked where the hell she came from. Eventually she spilled the beans and said that her friend liked me but her brother liked her friend, so her brother bribed HER with a Louis Vuitton bag to try and take me away from her friend. WTF kind of friendship is that?!
Two of my cousins (JR and Nina) visited me from the Philippines in July. It was Nina's first time outside of the country. I hope they had a good time. I hadn't seen them in 6-10 years! I can guarantee that if anyone comes to visit me, I will make sure they have the opportunities to have fun...
Nina, me, and JR at Route 66 in RCA, a huge clubbing street
Troy and I after an Asian Football Championship soccer game (Australia vs Oman). Troy is Australian but after a few beers, I was obviously the bigger fan! haha...
Katie had her 22nd birthday in mid-July and she put on a boat cruise on the Chao Praya for friends and family. It was really fun until I challenged her 62 year old Hugh Hefner style uncle to a drinking war. We finished 3 bottles of wine, and both ended up sick as hell. It was a suicide mission, but I succeeded!
Katie and the boys at the boat party
Katie and I actually got to do a bit of modelling for La Perla, Bebe, and Burberry in Hua Hin for 2 days. Don't ask how we got it. The brand managers did have to approve us. The pics should appear in Expat Weekend and Hua Hin Weekend magazines in September. It was really fun being a model for 2 days but let me tell ya, it is kind of boring as a thing to do all the time. Lots of waiting around...
I was also uncomfortable with the gay make up artists lubing my 90% naked body up with oils for a couple shoots. Yeaaaaa....
Here are some pics: they aren't the actual modelling pictures (which haven't been released yet), but more like behind the scenes stuff

It's all in the hips...

And here is a view of my office as I come up to it in the morning...
This is the dirty Chao Praya. Quite choppy...
Random: I've been playing Badminton and Squash again with a guy I met named Jay. I'm still pretty decent at badminton, but he dominates at Squash. At least I'm getting a good workout and it's a lot more interesting than running on a bloody treadmill. Did I mention I have lost 15 pounds since I got to Asia 7+ months ago? I didn't notice it myself, but friends have commented that I look thinner. Oh well, gone were the days I could incline dumbell press the 105 pounders. I just can't eat/work out as much as I used to, but I try my best!
I went to Mongolia for business in July as well, it was so fascinating. Such a different place and culture. They are bigger than most Asians, and sound Russian. Hot girls. The people are actually very friendly, but the dudes like a bit of fisticuffs when they are drunk. At least they don't usually pull out weapons. I did buy an old huge Mongolian knife and somehow got it past customs in Thailand...wish I could say I killed a thousand warriors with it though.
I had a stopover in Beijing - this is the ugly view from the airport of the Chinese flag amidst the terrible pollution (way worse than Bangkok). The airport sucked too. The ATMs were in Chinese only. Half the elevators didn't work. There were like 2 restaurants and they both were crap. And when you entered customs you had to fill out 3 bloody forms! They didn't even take Thai baht at the money exchangers. Come ON people.
A nice club in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Do they look like Sims to you?
There is a massive portrait of Gengis (they call him Chinggis) Khaan on the side of a mountain in Ulaanbataar. He is still their national hero.
I actually tried horse and yak. Not bad...sorry vegetarians.
I've been going to Vietnam a bit more often now. I'm starting to really like it despite the small town feel. Such a fast-passed, dynamic country with huge potential...
A famous statue near my regular hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Johnnie and I have a special bond...LOL
I finally got food poisoning towards the end of June. I was sick as a dog for 2 days. Funny thing was, I got it from plane food on Singapore Airlines! Go figure. I've never felt bad from eating ANY of the delicious street food I crave late at night from time to time.
My friends from college, Geri and Rufio, visited me very recently. Rufio is still here. I think they loved/are loving Thailand fo sho! Rozen is also here (finally arrived at my place at 3 am last night smelling like a goat).
Me, Rufio, and Geri at my friend Brigitte's birthday party at Jet in Thong Lor.
Nat and her model/singer friend at Jet
It's only one week until Vadim, Ratto, and Davos come to Bangkok. As if my liver wasn't already in major trouble... I promise I'll post about MOST of our shenanigans and debauchery before the end of the month. Keep in touch people!
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