At the same time I have not forgotten that, while I am meeting lots of people and the friendships I develop here will only get stronger, I am essentially on my own. I wish my family, my friends, and Jenny could experience some of this with me, but it is not to be. I think about it every couple days, and I can't help but feel sad that a huge chunk of my life that I really enjoyed and probably did not appreciate enough is done and gone. It sucks that I'll miss some birthdays, a potential two year anniversary, and the birth of my first nephew. When will I ever make it back? Time will tell, but my life never be the same really. I guess that's an essential part of life. All I can do is hope anyone from back home that I care about can come visit me sometime.
For now, I've got to look forward and just glance back every so often with a smile. Keep in touch.
On lighter notes - last Sunday I was taken out on trade again to do some research about the local market and meet club owners. Guess what, Sunday night is gay night. Well, they sure know how to have a good time, and I never felt TOO uncomfortable. Maybe I will pass on navigating through a packed club with dudes in spandex pants next time though.
Oh yeah, yesterday a business partner treated me to dinner and ordered a Chinese delicacy for me to eat: grilled goose liver. I took one bite, tried to hold my expression in neutral mode, but when he quirped "Like Fear Factor for you, no?" I had to throw some water down my throat to keep it down. The texture got me really bad; it was soo extremely soft and almost creamy, but it was bloated liver. Could have been worse I least they didn't serve pig intestines, turtle soup, or monkey brains. He paid me back today with some Cajun chicken for lunch - yum! One thing that IS really cheap in Singapore is food, and it's damn good.
Here are some old pictures from my trip to Thailand in December:
My water taxi filling up some gas on the Chao Praya River.
Some traditional Muay Thai kickboxing.
Look closely at the center of the photo - a tree snake.
Till and I played some soccer on a beach in Koh Samui.
This is what THAI red bull looks like. Yeah, it's nasty.
A golden statue of Buddha in Bangkok, worshipped by almost all Thais.
Samui was breathtaking.
The great lying Buddha of Wat Pho in Bangkok (Mom and sis too).
Wish I was still here.
Hopefully I'll have a few pictures up from my last two weeks in a short time. Miss ya'll!
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