My last post living in - I still can't believe it. How sad!!! Wait wait, rewind here. Yeep that's right, I did indeed get relocated to Singapore for my company, and will be moving there May 1st. Sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for your career, know what I mean? I LOVE Thailand, my friends, Bangkok, and the lifestyle I can lead here. I guess it's better to leave on top so I can come back where I left off, right? Hopefully I can return in 12-24 months with more experience and new stories from another country. More on this move later on down...
Let's go back a bit to where I left the last post for now, in mid-March. Natalie invited me to a high class Carnaval party (the renowned Brazilian festival) and I had a good time with a pretty lux meal and some cool Brazilian dance performances, including the one below.
Shake it like a salt-shaker...Brazilian Canaval, in Bangkok
I had yet another week's business trip to Singapore, where I got a chance to catch up with Samantha and see a cool Magic Show. This guy was GOOD at deception and his hands. One of the best card-trickers I've ever seen, you gotta check it out - Gallery Hotel. This trip I also got to stay at the 6 star St. Regis on a 50% discount...lucky me! Had my own personal butler, it was great.

Partying at Ministry of Sound in Singapore
My colleague, Colin (Brand Ambassador) got married at the Meritus Mandarin to his longtime girlfriend. It was a very traditional contemporary Chinese wedding party and we had a great time. It was nice to see a young, happy couple...something I haven't seen in a while.
Sam and I caught up with a mutual Thai friend, Claudia, who works for Etihad Airways based out of Abu Dhabi - pretty cool huh? We met Sam's other buds and of course ended up partying all night at the Ministry of Sound in Clarke Quay, where we also ran into Thaitanium (who were trying to hit on every girl in the vicinity).

Claudia and Sam at MOS
At the end of the trip I had a Guinness event with people from Diageo Singapore - we went around all the Irish pubs in town and bought folks a free pint of Guinness, in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. It was actually really fun and we ended at the best Irish pub in town, singing classic rock (my old boss, Karl Hayes, is a MASTER at this kind of music).
Ben Robinson, my former rugby teammate from UC Davis, paid a short visit to Bangkok after a holiday with a buddy in Shanghai. I always enjoy having visitors around, but wish I could have taken him out more.
I actually got tied up filming a Hollywood movie, Street Fighter, as two different small roles (Good Looking Guy in Pub - my natural environment, hahah, and an Interpol Police Officer) with 2 speaking lines (I had auditioned randomly a month ago, and got luck with the part). The movies stars Chris Klein (American Pie, Rollerball), Kristin Kreuk (Smallville) - sooo cute and friendly, Michael Clarke Duncan (The Green Mile), Moon Bloodgood (8 Below), Josie Ho, and a couple others. I filmed for 4 days, and although it was really fun, 5am-7pm working hours were KILLER. I actually had to hit on Josie Ho for my part (daughter of Stanley Ho, HK Business Tycoon, de facto making her the 7th richest woman in Asia). The movie comes out next year, so look for me (probably only a minute or two of actual film time).
For the 2nd role, I was actually asked to come back by Josie Ho and the Asst. Director, who thought I did well. Don't ask why I pulled an Eddie Murphy and tried to play two characters in one movie. I hope my look was different enough that the Director (of Romeo Must Die as well) won't pull the shots of me in the Interpol role because I'm obviously the same dude from the club.
On the Street Fighter set
Repping the Johnnie Walker during Street Fighter filming...shhh
I did get to chat with Kristen for 30 mins or so. She is reallly nice, and just as beautiful in person. Wish I could have thought of something cooler to say that she would ask me to take her around town all day and night - but I didn't want to act unnaturally (hence why I also didn't get a picture with her - we were working together!).
Wish Kristen Kreuk was sitting in that Chun-Li seat
Random: Recently I noticed that I am abnormally open to introducing new people into my social circle. A lot of folks in Thailand, and elsewhere, are much more reserved and closed to introducing folks. When I meet people though, I think of other people I know that would be good for them to talk to. Is there something wrong with me? I guess I'm just a "connector." I'm not even consciously trying to do it, it just comes naturally. I noticed ESPECIALLY in Thailand, guys don't really introduce you to their girlfriends (just friends). Maybe they are all secretly giks, or maybe it's just normal to be a cockblocker here. Perhaps this is why I found it so hard to find a proper girlfriend in Thailand - little to no introductions, and I'm always spending time at clubs, where it's hard to meet normal relationship-type girls!
2nd Random: From all my crazy drinking and partying in Thailand, I probably aged 2-3 years rather than the year and a half I've been here. Singapore will hopefully be better for my health.
I finally went to Chen-Yu's house for his birthday bbq recently. It's huge! This guy has been hiding the Thai Playboy Mansion for too long.

Chen-Yu's birthday bbq at the mansion
Laura Skittone, a friend from UC Davis, ended up visiting one night in BKK. I took her and her friend out to Nang Len, one of the most jam-packed Thai clubs, and then to Soi 38 for classic street food. We also got lucky and saw a baby elephant peddling people to feed him bananas. Only in Bangkok.
So in all my years in Hong Kong, I am embarrassed to admit I have never been to the Hong Kong Sevens Rugby Tournament. No more shame! I strapped up for a weekend and went for a visit to HK. Caught 2 days of the Sevens tourney with friends like Rich, Dar, Eugene and Brian (who now is staying in HK permanently instead of going to Mumbai), which was absolutely wild. I was rooting for England, Hong Kong, and the USA as well, in that order. None of them did particularly well, (except England but they crashed out vs Samoa in the quarterfinal) but it was good fun anyway (especially listening to the whole crowd chant "Staaand Upppp, if you hate the French!").

Hong Kong Stadium
The first night I went out to Lan Kwai Fong with Brian, my bro Dar, and Eugene. We even ran into Firm from Bangkok. It was a late night of club hopping, and a drunken one. I ended up arriving at home in a taxi at 7am. As soon as I opened the taxi door in front of my house, I was sick all of the floor. The taxi driver laughed, and I paid the man. Hadn't had a night like that in a while...I usually try not to get so sloshed that I feel bad or lose control. Oh well, welcome back to Hong Kong. Good thing my little brothers weren't awake to see it. The next day I had 3 girls' numbers in my phone and I didn't remember getting them in the first place. Who are you Cassandra!?!?!
On a side note, my 11 year old bro James always says when I go out in HK: "Don't come back with your underpants on your head!!" I really wanted to actually do it this time, but couldn't be bothered to stay awake until 8AM when they get up.

Hong Kong Sevens with Eugene, sporting the HK jersey
The next day I had to get up relatively early (considering a 7am crash-time) so I could go to a theme park (Ocean Park) with my Dad and the boys. I used to go here as a was really nice to take my brothers, even if I was super hungover. I couldn't even go on the big spinning rides for fear of looking like a bigger wuss for throwing up rather than declining to participate.

Dad and the boys at Ocean Park

With my little brothers at Ocean Park
My hometown, Sai Kung, has grown quite a bit since I was a boy, but it is still very small by HK standards, and nice/quaint because it's more quiet and by the sea. The town only just got a McDonalds about 10 years ago, and now they've taken the plunge with a Starbucks. How time flies...

Nooo, a Starbucks opened in Sai Kung
The 3rd day at the Sevens was incredibly messy. Drunk people were throwing beer everywhere by noon, guys were throwing up in the urinals, and streakers were hounding the field every 30 minutes. You know what I also noticed? There are not many hot girls in Hong Kong, ESPECIALLY when compared to Thailand. And what's worse, is that average HK girls with a bit of money think they are HOT SHIT. Oh my god get over yourselves! You wouldn't get a second glance in any of the world's "better-looking" cities...not even in San Diego!! LoL.
Another good thing about the Sevens: Guinness was the main sponsor, and they also served Pimm's everywhere (another Diageo brand) for all the English folks.

My bro James on his new electric drum set. I miss playing! I just bought a good set for myself to practice again in Singapore.
My brothers gave me two precious stones they found in the hills around my house in HK. One was a crystal, the other a rock encrusted with gold. The kids really thought they were valuable, but decided to give them to me anyway. I was pretty touched actually, usually children aren't so generous with things like that. I made them both into necklaces in Thailand to remind me of them...
I came back to Thailand happy with my quick trip to HK. Ben Robinson stopped in town one more night, just in time for me to take him to another Johnnie Walker Black Label party event at Slim. Outdoors, lots of friends, chill scene, free flow Black Label. It was a good night.
Of course I partied a couple more times that week, including a Thai karaoke bash which ended with Soi 38 noodles again. I poured a load of red chili powder into a drunk Troy's bowl. He loved it anyway.

Eat up Troy. Sukumvit Soi 38 at 3am
Troy and Ally at Patrick's bday @ Barsu, the Sheraton Grande Sukumvit
Namwaan (Ogilvy - working on Smirnoff), Shomori and Tony (4 Dub hip hop group - remember that song "This is Thailand"?) at the Black Label party @ Slim.
Some of my coworkers from Diageo Thailand side, @ Slim
Karaoke @ J-Avenue (Thai and English)
We went to Escudo one night and this guy actually got in with a terribly fake ID - the one used by McLovin!!! He looks nothing like McLovin. Oh Thailand.
The infamous McLovin ID that our friend used to get into Escudo (from the movie Superbad)
Brian was back in town just in time for another Thai band night, this time at Gigabite (also for Sua's birthday). When do I NOT have a great time going out to these joints?!
Sua's birthday at the new Gigabyte
How to write my name in Thai (Charlie), at a reserved table in Escudo
Smirnoff sign at Escudo
My bro Dar came back to visit again for Songkran - the amazing Thai Buddhist New Year festival famous for it's water splashing. It was a crazy one - I swear Songkran is one of the best parties in the world, with Carnaval and Mardi Gras. I also enjoy seeing my brother anytime - that foo is a lot of fun.
We filled clubs packing water guns and just blasted people all night and day. What more could you want out of a party?
A friendly ladyboy at Route 66 during Songkran. Probably a beauty-pageant contestant at some point. Took a pic as a semi-joke, and for Vadim.
Partying with the gang at the 808 foam party during Songkran
After some crazy times in Khao Sarn Road and RCA, Sua and I thought it would be cool to check out Chiang Mai, Thailand's northern capital and 2nd biggest city. It is famous for its Songkrans, so I thought why not go for 4 days. Songkran gives a long holiday for all Thai workers anyway!
The Red Label concert in Chiang Mai during Songkran
It just so happened that Johnnie Walker Red Label was sponsoring a massive water concert with Endorphine and Bodyslam at the same time as my visit. We got access backstage and in the water-spraying booths because of my employment. It was awesome fun. I got to shoot Thaksin's son in the face, bwahahaha. This insane stuff would never happen in California. If we had a massive water fight party back then, people would get pissed off eventually and someone would get beat up or shot in the face for real. Thailand is way more laid back and tolerant in this way.
Pumping the crowd at the Red Label concert in Chiang Mai during Songkran
We did get to see the massive Suthep temple in Chiang Mai as well - it wasn't all partying. I also got to hangout with my friend Kieran from ISV, who lives up there. We went to some local clubs too, which were very similar to the Bangkok clubs (Thai live band, hip hop). I wish I had brought nice clothes though - I guess Chiang Mai isn't all crazy at night like RCA is during Songkran. Although at Warmup club the guitarist from Bodyslam had a little squirt gun and shot me in the chest...mofo! I'm a bit sad I didn't get to do any jungle trekking or elephant watching at trip baby!
Chiang Mai girls in traditional garments, near Suthep temple
Suthep Temple
Chiang Mai view from Suthep
Another random: A lot of people in the nightlife scene in Thailand (and I guess anywhere) do cocaine. It's something I haven't tried nor have any interest to since I have fun with just alcohol, and I try not to judge people that choose to do whatever they feel like to themselves, but I'm starting to get a bit disturbed by just how many people actually do it (but you just didn't know/notice before).
Daniel had a birthday party at Santika stacked with 17 bottles of Green Label. What a beast! It was a white theme, and Puu, Daniel's girlfriend, made "I Love Daniel" shirts for everyone - so cute. Brian also made it back down to BKK for the event, and everyone got wasted.
Me, Brian, and Puu at Daniel's 31st birthday, Santika
By the way this is a good time to mention that most thai people don't have many platonic friendships with members of the opposite sex. If Thai guys talk to girls for more than 1 minute, it's usually because they want some action. They also don't care how young the girl is, even if they are 35, 45, or 65 years old.
Q'ty, Bom, Diamanta, and I at Santika
If you couldn't tell, I'm a bit lazy to elaborate much on the content of this post. I've just been really stressed with work, the move, and partying too much since I'm about to go to a super-serious, expensive, not-very-fun environment. Oh well. I will do my best in Singapore, and make as much fun out of it as I can. I'll just stay positive and accumulate some good work and life experience. I can't really complain too much, the future is bright as ever. Gotta KEEP WALKING.
I'll be back to Thailand once a month anyway...I love it too much and I'll miss my friends. Plus 2 hours away...come on, that's not far enough to excuse myself. I already booked my first two flights back in fact - May 23-26, and June 26-30. I've had such a wonderful, priceless experience with 17 months in Bangkok (probably the best 17 months of my life thus far)...I can't imagine ever leaving for a long long period of time. I want Bangkok to be one of my permanent homes in this decade (like San Francisco and Hong Kong), hopefully sooner than later. Wherever I am, I'll be taking a piece of Thailand with me.
I also feel lucky to have met so many great people during my stay. Just want to give a shout out to a few of my Bangkok homies:
Taxis - You are a pain in the ass sometimes, but thanks for not treating me like a farang 90% of time and making sure you use that cheap cheap meter.
Security Guards @ my building - Thanks for putting up with my crap and being damn useless. You fell asleep EVERY night!!! But at least you were always smiling when I said hello.
Thai colleagues - I have nothing but respect for the great work you are doing in this market, especially on Johnnie Walker. I'll have good things to say about you in the Singapore office.
Andrew S - Always for England mate. Remember though, You'll Never Walk Alone!
Alex - Watch out for all the crazy sao sao's man, but have a blast being single on/off while you can! I know you will.
Chen-Yu - You are one of the first guys I met, it's been so long. Keep working hard, it'll definitely pay off bro.
Chrissy - You are the sweetest girl in Bangkok, period.
Brigitte - Panda Slut or now, I still love ya!
Pond - Yut gek!!! J/k. Go wild man, and don't worry bout ur girl far far away - keep that head up and ur shirt on.
Sua - Good luck w/your business projects this year man. Keep an eye on that bowl issue - u know what I'm talking about, hahaha. Looking forward to your visit.
Selin - I hope you learn to love Thailand as much as I do ;)
May - You've got a whole lot of friendly and party in that small lil package.
Timo - Sorry I didn't follow you whenever you said "I'm going to tunnel." Glad you are back in BKK man, hold it down for me.
Katie - Excuse me, are you half thai? I'm so glad I worked up the balls to say hello that day and that we are still friends even now. Your Mom is awesome. Hi Nina!! Wangai??
Nat - Keep up that crazy spirit and study hard girl!!
Emerald - You have more energy and personality than almost everyone I know! That's going to take you places, just lock the eyes on the prize =) See you soon in Singapore!
Mark, Lea, Game, and the rest of the gang not in Thailand - Miss you all, hope you return before I do.
Rafa - the only guy that lives the same traveling lifestyle as me - you feel me man!? It's nice to return back to Bangkok every weekend or two though eh? I know you'll be seizing those nights by the horns, krating!
Tommy T - Mr. High Life! Live large and stay humbleman, that's a rare combo. I'll take you for a ride in a MaClaren if you come down to SIN for the F1 night race in September. No Ferraris =P
Daniel - Keep that spare bedroom open my Cali brother. Better find you in SIN city sometime, you got a place to crash at a phone call's notice.
Troy - One of the most genuine guys I know. I hope everything works out for you in Samui you lucky bastard. I want to hear you say Aussie x 3 Oi x 3 well into next year!
Fab - You're guns are bigger than my head. Good luck @ Unilever, maybe I'll see you in Diageo one day ;)
Justine - My older sis that works way too hard. I better be seeing you in Hong Kong or Foster City one day.
Ally - My lil sis, my nong sao...who is going to listen to my TMI now? You kept your promise to be the first one to visit. I love u!!
If I missed out on anyone, it doesn't mean I'm not going to miss you. Ja kid teung you all so much, sincerely. Better keep in touch! A 2 hour flight won't keep me away from this awesome town for long. I'll be home sooner than ya'll think.
I just had a big farewell party at Gigabite and tomorrow is actually my departure date. Troy also moved to Koh Samui a few days ago...he'll be missed big time, especially by Ally and I. I'll write about the last few days here in my next entry. Got another karaoke date tonight, have to run!
By the way my new Singapore mobile number is +65 9837 5511. I'll be in a company-provided serviced apartment for a month, then find my own place by June 1st. Those in America/HK - write me! Those in Thailand - See you real soon, and you better visit Singapore sometime.
I'm still just a phone call or facebook away =) Live life like a lion baby!!!